Mark Calima: Putting Together an Effective Team

Mark Calima is an adept leader, having provided expert, award-winning direction of numerous high school concert and marching bands throughout his career. Skilled in the cultivation of cohesive, organized groups, those capable of working together toward the creation of something truly special, Calima understands what it takes to build a high-performance team.

A proven team builder and leader, Mark Calima knows the challenge of assembling and maintaining an effective group. Building such an effective team includes:


Contact Mark Calima

Contact Mark Calima

The Establishment of Leadership

Being honest and transparent with your team, and doing so right at the outset, helps to establish a level of trust between you and your team. Perhaps most importantly, it helps to build teamwide trust in your judgement.

Setting Teamwide Benchmarks and Objectives

Providing your team a better idea of the expectations they’re facing, as well as defining each individual’s role in reaching team objectives, helps to give each team-member a sense of direction and place within the group.

Encourage Collaboration

Fostering teamwork is key to achieving a successful outcome. By encouraging individuals to work together, share information between each other and with the group, and maintaining open, honest communication, you’re creating a collaborative environment where cooperation is not only required, but desired.